Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> Frank Millman wrote:
> >> How about
> >>
> >>   message = ("This is line1. "
> >>                      "This is line2 "
> >>                      "This is line3\n")
> >>
> >> The brackets mean that the lines are automatically treated as
> >> continuous, without the need for the ugly '\' continuation character.
> >>
> >> The opening/closing quotes on each line mean that the strings are
> >> contatenated into one long string.
> >
> > Don't know what happened there - Google seems to have messed up my
> > indentation.
> >
> > My intention was that each of the three leading quote marks line up
> > vertically, but when I read it back via Google Groups, the second two
> > lines were pushed over to the right.
> assuming fixed-pitch fonts isn't very Pythonic, though; to get reliable 
> indentation
> no matter what font you're using, you can write:
>     message = (
>         "This is line1. "
>         "This is line2 "
>         "This is line3\n")
> whether this is better than """ depends on the situation.
> </F>

Obvious, now that you mention it.

Thank you.



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