Thanks very much. Deepcopy works fine, as does reversed(b). I thought I
needed the index number but I didn't.

Duncan Booth wrote:

> manstey wrote:
> > for index in reversed(range(0,len(a)-1)):
> >    if '75' in b[index][1]:
> >       b[index][1].remove('75')
> >       b[index][1].append('99')
> >
> What on earth is all that messing around in the for loop intended to do? If
> you want a range from len(a)-2 to 0 inclusive then just do it in range
> directly (and did you really mean not to look at the last element?), if you
> actually just wanted to iterate through b in reverse, then just iterate
> through b in reverse:
> b = copy.deepcopy(a)
> for element in reversed(b):
>    if '75' in element[1]:
>       element[1].remove('75')
>       element[1].append('99')


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