Joachim Durchholz wrote:

> > This is implementation-defined in C.  A compiler is allowed to accept
> > variable names with alphabetic Unicode characters outside of ASCII.
> Hmm... that could would be nonportable, so C support for Unicode is
> half-baked at best.

Since the interpretation of characters which are yet to be added to
Unicode is undefined (will they be digits, "letters", operators, symbol,
punctuation.... ?), there doesn't seem to be any sane way that a language could
allow an unrestricted choice of Unicode in identifiers.  Hence, it must define
a specific allowed sub-set.  C certainly defines an allowed subset of Unicode
characters -- so I don't think you could call its Unicode support "half-baked"
(not in that respect, anyway).  A case -- not entirely convincing, IMO -- could
be made that it would be better to allow a wider range of characters.

And no, I don't think Java's approach -- where there /is no defined set of
allowed identifier characters/ -- makes any sense at all :-(

    -- chris


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