Brian Blais wrote:
> Greg Ewing wrote:
>> Brian Blais wrote:
>>> I have found a very similar problem trying to replace a method using a 
>>> function defined in pyrex.
>> What *should* work is to define the method inside a
>> class in Pyrex (plain class, not extension type) and
>> extract it out of the class's __dict__. That's because
>> Pyrex pre-wraps a function defined in a class in an
>> unbound method object before putting it in the class.
> So I tried:
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #module_pyrex.pyx
> class update_funcs:
>      def pyrex_update_within_class(self,val):
>          print "pyrex module within class",val
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #(adding to
> This.update4=module_pyrex.update_funcs.__dict__['pyrex_update_within_class']
> t.update4('pyrex within class') # doesn't work
> #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and get:
> TypeError: unbound method pyrex_update_within_class() must be called with 
> update_funcs instance as first argument (got str instance instead)
> did I do this wrong?

Yes. :)

What you got was an unbound method. You can't call unbound methods without
specifying the object you want to call them on (i.e. the 'self' argument).

When you're using 'plain classes', you can do with them whatever you do in
standard Python, so replacing a method is just done with an attribute 


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