a wrote:
> what do you guys prefer for ajax?
> dojo
> mochikit
> prototype
> or somehting else/

I am using OpenLaszlo for a project with a Karrigell (Python) ReST
backend. Now strictly speaking, this is not AJAX at the moment.  It
uses Flash but has the same "asynchronous updates from the server"
model. I am waiting for their DHTML engine to mature to switch to it
(they just released a preview). The DHTML engine is AJAX and is based
on Dojo toolkit.

1.) Declarative UI development.
2.) Good look and feel for free.
3.) Comprehensive API for data binding.
4.) Excellent documentation.

1.) Only Flash available now.

You might want to take a look at TurboGears 1.0 preview as well. They
have made quite a bit of progress integrating MochiKit.


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