> Thanks for a detailed reply.

I thing that now we are becoming OT... :)

> because is restricts traffic on a port based on content, but you're
> correct, they aren't the same thing at all.

So, what you want to do? Open and close a destination IP (domain),
following what the user see, with a firewall? It's so hard to do, and it
doesnt' sound like a good think. This is the work of a proxy, not of a

>> win32COM for do what?
> My knowledge of COM is miniscule, but I assumed it has a low level 
> interface for packet filtering.

Yes, but you have to create a dll that work at low level and has an low
level features... Something like that wipfw do: create a .sys/.vxd (if I
remember correctly) that in your case are the dll and after with an exe
(that are the python program) that teach the rules... Very bas idea, for me!

>> You can do it in not so difficult manner: Take twisted and its
>> proxy class, make some outline code (for filter the pages) and
>> enjoy! (work also on win)
> Proxy would be an easy way, but I wanted to do it at a lower level.

But you _can't_ with python. How you create a .sys/.vxd file? Also that
has only few kb program? And don't such more than few kb memory?

Keep the proxy way or switch to another language :)

> Thanks again. --matthew


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