
But I need to to do complicated job in the xterm consoles for servers.
So I need
to open many xterm consoles and I just want to save my time from

Network Ninja wrote:
> valpa wrote:
> > I'm a net admin for about 20 unix servers, and I need to frequently
> > telnet on to them and configure them.
> > It is a tiring job to open a xterm and telnet, username, password to
> > each server.
> >
> > Can I  do it automatically by python? After that, there have 20 xterm
> > consoles opened and telneted to their corresponding servers. Then I
> > could start to type command in these xterms.
> I often have to add users/delete local user accounts on routers and
> switches. Each account is a local account, and I got tired of it. My
> very first python program was created to use the telnetlib, and either
> add, delete, or show a list of user accounts. It was very effective,
> because it would change the same accounts on each router and switch.
> Saved me a bunch of time, and got me hooked on python. If you are not
> concerned about security, the telnetlib in python will help you.
> Otherwise, use ssh, as it is more secure. You can even impliment
> public/private keys for password-less log on. If you want some help
> with the code for the telnetlib, let me know.


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