manstey wrote:
>  That doesn't work. I just get an error:
>      x = eval(line.strip('\n'))
>    File "<string>", line 1
>       [('recId', 3), ('parse', {'pos': u'np', 'gen': u'm'})]
>   SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

is the last line of your file empty ??

what with

for line in filAnsMorph:
     # remove any trailing and leading whitespace includes removing \n
     line = line.strip()
         # Get rid of comment lines
         if line.startswith('#'):
        # Get rid of blank line
        if line == '':
        #do the job
     x = eval(line)

NB by default strip() removes leading and trailing characters from the target
string. with whitspace defined as whitespace = '\t\n\x0b\x0c\r '


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