manstey wrote:
> Hi,
> I often use:
> a='yy'
> tup=('x','yy','asd')
> if a in tup:
>    <...>
> but I can't find an equivalent code for:
> a='xfsdfyysd asd x'
> tup=('x','yy','asd')
> if tup in a:
>    < ...>
> I can only do:
> if 'x' in a or 'yy' in a or 'asd' in a:
>    <...>
> but then I can't make the if clause dependent on changing value of tup.
> Is there a way around this?

One thing I do sometimes is to check for True in a generator

if True in (t in a for t in tup):
    # do whatever here

Because you're using a generator you get the same "short-circut"
behavior that you would with a series of 'or's, the if statement won't
bother checking the rest of the terms in tup after the first True

>>> def f(n, m):
        print n
        return n > m

>>> m = 2
>>> if True in (f(n, m) for n in range(5)):
        print 'done'


# See?  No 4!  :-)

I usually use this with assert statements when I need to check a
sequence. Rather than:

for something in something_else: assert expression

I say

assert False not in (expression for something in something_else)

This way the whole assert statement will be removed if you use the '-O'
switch to the python interpreter.  (It just occurred to me that that's
just an assumption on my part.  I don't know for sure that the
interpreter isn't smart enough to remove the first form as well.  I
should check that. ;P )

Note, in python 2.5 you could just say

if any(t in a for t in tup):
    # do whatever here

In your case though, if I were doing this kind of thing a lot, I would
use a little helper function like the findany() function Fredrik Lundh


if findany(a, tup):

is much clearer and readily understandable than mucking about with
generator comprehensions...



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