Jack wrote:

> When I try TooFPy with the SOAP and XML-RPC sample client code
> provided in TooFPy tutorials, a log entry shows up quickly on web server
> log window, but it takes a long time (5 seconds or longer)

okay, 5 seconds...

> No, I'm not using any accelerator. The code is extremely simple (from 
> toofpy):
> # XML-RPC test
> import xmlrpclib
> srv = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:4334/RPC2/greeting')
> print srv.greeting('you', 5)

and a "5" as the second argument in the greeting call.  I wonder what 
that does ? ;-)

(if you need a hint, look for "waits the given number of seconds" on 
this page:





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