python-dev Summary for 2006-06-01 through 2006-06-15

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Python 2.5 schedule

Python 2.5 is moving steadily towards its next release.  See `PEP
356`_ for more details and the full schedule.

.. _PEP 356:

Contributing threads:

- `beta1 coming real soon
- `2.5 issues need resolving in a few days

Request for Bug Trackers to replace SourceForge

The Python Software Foundation's Infrastructure committee asked for
suggestions for tracker systems that could replace SourceForge. The
minimum requirements are:

* Can import SourceForge data
* Can export data
* Has an email interface

and if you'd like to suggest a particular tracker system all you need to do is:

* Install a test tracker
* Import the `SourceForge data dump`_
* Make the `Infrastructure committee members`_ administrators of the tracker
* Add your tracker to the `wiki page`_
* Email `the Infrastructure committee`_

Be sure to check the `wiki page`_ for additional information.

.. _SourceForge data dump:
.. _Infrastructure committee members:
.. _wiki page:
.. _the Infrastructure committee: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Contributing thread:

- `Request for trackers to evaluate as SF replacement for Python


Getting more comparable results from pybench

Skip Montanaro mentioned that the NeedForSpeed_ folks had some trouble
with the pybench_ string and unicode tests. In some discussions both
on the checkins list and off-list, Fredrik Lundh had concluded that
stringbench more reliably reported performance than pybench. There was
then a long discussion about how to improve pybench including:

* Using time.clock() on Windows and time.time() on Linux. This was
accompanied by a long debate about whether to use wall-time or process
time.  Both wall time and process time can see interference from other
programs running at the same time; wall time because the time consumed
by other programs running at the same time is also counted, and
process time because it is sampled so that other processes can charge
their time to the running process by using less than a full time
slice. In general, the answer was to use the timer with the best

* Using the minimum time rather than the average. Andrew Dalke
explained that timing results do not have a Gaussian distribution
(they have more of a gamma distribution) and provided some graphs
generated on his machine to demonstrate this. Since the slower runs
are typically caused by other things running at the same time (which
is pretty much unpredictable), it's much better to report the fastest
run, which should more consistently approximate the best possible

* Making sure to use an appropriate warp factor. Marc-Andre Lemburg
explained that each testing round of pybench is expected to take
around 20-50 seconds. If rounds are much shorter than this, pybench's
warp factor should be adjusted until they are long enough.

At the end of the thread, Marc-Andre checked in pybench_ 2.0, which
included the improvements suggested above.

.. _NeedForSpeed:
.. _pybench:
.. _stringbench:

Contributing threads:

- `Python Benchmarks
- `Python Benchmarks

PEP 360: Externally Maintained Packages

After checking wsgiref into the Python repository, Phillip J. Eby
requested in `PEP 360`_ that patches to wsgiref be passed to him
before being committed on the trunk. After a number of changes were
committed to the trunk and he had to go through a complicated two-way
merge, he complained that people were not following the posted
procedures. Guido suggested that `PEP 360`_ was a mistake, and that
whenever possible, development for any module in the stdlib should be
done in the Python trunk, not externally. He also requested that the
PEP indicate that even for externally maintained modules, bugfixes and
ordinary maintenance should be allowed on the trunk so that bugs in
external modules don't hold up Python core development.

A number of solutions were discussed for authors of code that is also
distributed standalone. Using svn:externals is mostly undesirable
because svn is much slower at checking whether or not an svn:externals
directory is updated, and because upgrading to a newer version would
require making sure that no changes made by Python developers were
lost in the new version. Phillip suggested adding an "Externals"
directory and modifying Python's setup to invoke all the
``Externals/*/`` scripts, though this would mean having some
Python code that lives outside of the Lib/ subtree. Barry Warsaw
explained that for the email package, he maintains a directory in the
sandbox with all the distutils and documentation stuff needed for the
standalone releases as well as the email package from the Python
repository through svn:externals. This means having to create some
extra directories (since svn:externals doesn't work with individual
files) and having one checkout per version of Python supported, but
seemed to work pretty well for Barry. People seemed to like Phillip's
Externals idea (possibly renamed to Packages), but work on that was
postponed for Python 2.6.

One of the side benefits of these discussions was that Thomas Heller
generously offered to move ctypes development fully into the Python

.. _PEP 360:

Contributing threads:

- `wsgiref documentation
- `wsgiref doc draft; reviews/patches wanted
- `[Web-SIG] wsgiref doc draft; reviews/patches wanted
- `FYI: wsgiref is now checked in
- `Please stop changing wsgiref on the trunk
- `Dropping externally maintained packages (Was: Please stop changing
wsgiref on the trunk)
- `External Package Maintenance (was Re: Please stop changing wsgiref
on the trunk) 
- `External Package Maintenance
- `rewording PEP 360
- `Updating packages from external ?

Universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)

Ka-Ping Yee was looking to put his `uuid module`_ into Python 2.5. He
addressed a number of requests from the last round of discussions,
including making UUIDs immutable, removing curly braces from the UUID
string and adding the necessary tests to the test suite. Then he asked
about how best to address the fact that ``uuid1()`` required looking
up a MAC address, a potentially slow procedure. At the suggestion of
Fredrik Lundh, he changed the API to allow a MAC address to be passed
in if it was already known. If a MAC address is not passed in to
``uuid1()``, the ``getnode()`` utility function is called, which
searches for the MAC address through a variety of routes, including
some quicker paths through ctypes that Thomas Heller and others helped
Ka-Ping with. The code was checked into the Python trunk.

.. _uuid module:

Contributing thread:

- `UUID module 

PEP 275: Switching on Multiple Values

Thomas Lee offered up a `patch implementing the switch statement`_
from `PEP 275`_. People brought up a number of concerns with the
implementation (and the switch statement in general). The
implementation didn't allow for any way of allowing multiple values to
be mapped to the same case (without repeating the code in the case).
The implementation also made the switch statement essentially
syntactic sugar for a series of if/elif/else statements, and people
were concerned that just adding another way to write if/elif/else was
not much of a gain for Python. The discussion continued on into the
next fortnight.

.. _patch implementing the switch statement:
.. _PEP 275:

Contributing thread:

- `Switch statement

The period of the random module's random number generator

Alex Martelli noticed a note in random.shuffle.__doc__ which said that
most permutations of a long sequence would never be generated due to
the short period of the random number generator. This turned out to be
an artifact from back when Python used the Whichman-Hill generator
instead of the Mersenne Twister generator it uses currently. There was
some discussion as to whether the comment should be removed or
updated, and Robert Kern pointed out that at sequence lengths of 2081
or greater, the comment was still true. Tim Peters decided it was best
to just remove the comment, explaining that "anyone sophisticated
enough to *understand* an accurate warning correctly would have no
need to be warned".

Contributing thread:

- `a note in random.shuffle.__doc__ ...

Pre-PEP: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses

Noam Raphael presented a `pre-PEP for empty subscript lists`_ in
getitem-style access to objects. This would allow zero-dimensional
arrays to work in a similar manner to all other N dimensional arrays,
and make all of the following equivalences hold::

   x[i, j]     <-->  x[(i, j)]
   x[i,]       <-->  x[(i,)]
   x[i]        <-->  x[(i)]
   x[]         <-->  x[()]

Most people felt that zero-dimensional arrays were uncommon enough
that either they could be replaced with simple names, e.g. ``x``, or
could use the currently available syntax, i.e. ``x[()]``.
Zero-dimensional arrays are even uncommon in numpy_ where, after
`rehashing the issue`_ innumerable times, zero-dimensional arrays have
been almost entirely replaced with scalars.

.. _pre-PEP for empty subscript lists:
.. _numpy:
.. _rehashing the issue:

Contributing thread:

- `Pre-PEP: Allow Empty Subscript List Without Parentheses

PEP 337: Logging Usage in the Standard Library

For the `Google Summer of Code`_, Jackilyn Hoxworth has been working
on implementing parts of `PEP 337`_ to use the logging module in parts
of the stdlib. When Jim Jewett, who is mentoring her, brought up a few
issues, people got concerned that this work was being done at all,
being that `PEP 337`_ has not been approved. Jim and A.M. Kuchling
clarified that the goal of Jackilyn's work is to both clarify the PEP
(e.g. determine exactly which modules would benefit from logging) and
to provide an implementation that can be tweaked as necessary if the
PEP is accepted. For the first draft at least, it looked like Jackilyn
would keep things simple -- using "py." + __name__ for the logger
name, not adding any new logging messages, not changing any message
formats, and generally aiming only to give stderr and stdout messages
across different modules a common choke point.

.. _Google Summer of Code:
.. _PEP 337:

Contributing thread:

- `Stdlib Logging questions (PEP 337 SoC)


Michele Simionato asked for a new function in the inspect module that
would identify a function as being a generator function. Phillip J.
Eby pointed out that any function can return a generator-iterator
(though generator functions are of course guaranteed to do so) and
suggested that the perceived need for this inspect function was
misguided. Michele agreed and withdrew the proposal.

Contributing threads:

- `feature request: inspect.isgenerator
- `feature request: inspect.isgenerator

Unescaping entities with sgmllib

Sam Ruby asked why sgmllib unescapes entities selectively, not all or
nothing (which would be easier to work around), and Fred L. Drake, Jr.
explained that sgmllib is really only intended as support for htmllib.
Sam suggested isolating the code that attempts to resolve character
references into a single method so that subclasses could override this
behavior as needed. Martin v. Löwis agreed that this seemed
reasonable, though he suggested two functions, one for character
references and one for entity references. Sam implemented the
suggested behavior and provided a `patch to sgmllib`_.

.. _patch to sgmllib:

Contributing thread:

- `sgmllib Comments

Scoping vs augmented assignment vs sets (Re: 'fast locals' in Python 2.5)

A bug in Python 2.5 that did not detect augmented assignment as
creating a local name allowed code like the following to work::

    >>> g = 1
    >>> def f1():
    ...     g += 1
    >>> f1()
    >>> g

This of course started the usual discussion about giving Python a way
to rebind names in enclosing scopes. Boris Borcic in particular was
hoping that the bug could be considered a feature, but Terry Reedy
explained that Python was not willing to give up the near equivalence
between ``x = x + 1`` and ``x += 1``. Since the former creates a local
name, the latter ought to do the same thing. The thread seemed like it
might drift on further until Guido cut it off, pronouncing that the
behavior of augmented assignments creating local names was not going
to change.

Contributing threads:

- `'fast locals' in Python 2.5
- `Scoping vs augmented assignment vs sets (Re: 'fast locals' in
Python 2.5) 
- `Comparing closures and arguments (was Re: Scoping vs augmented
assignment vs sets (Re: 'fast locals' in Python 2.5)
- `The baby and the bathwater (Re: Scoping, augmented assignment,
'fast locals' - conclusion)

Checking out an older version of Python

Skip Montanaro asked about checking out a particular version of
Python. Oleg Broytmann and Tim Peters explained that tags are just
directories in Subversion, and you can view all the existing ones and
their corresponding revision numbers at Oleg also explained that
the difference between::

    svn switch svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/python/tags/r242

and noting that the r242 tag corresponds to revision 39619 and doing::

    svn up -r 39619

is that with the latter, commits will go to the trunk (assuming the
update was performed on a trunk checkout), while with the former,
updates will go to the appropriate tag or branch. Giovanni Bajo
provided a nice explanation of this, describing Subversion's 2D
coordinate system of [url, revision] and Skip added the explanation to
the `Development FAQ`_.

.. _Development FAQ:

Contributing thread:

- `Subversion repository question - back up to older versions

Source control tools

In the externally maintained packages discussion, Guido suggested
offhand that some other version control project might make it easier
to resolve some of the issues. Thomas Wouters put forward a number of
considerations.  On the negative side of changing to one of the newer
version control systems:

* Workflow would have to change somewhat to use most of the new
branch-oriented systems.
* Everyone would have to download the whole repository (at least once)
since with the newer systems everyone usually has their own

But on the positive side:

* History can be preserved for merges of branches (unlike Subversion),
which is a big gain for when the trunk is switched to 3.0.

Thomas tried importing the Python repository into a number of
different systems, and after playing around with them, concluded that
in the short term, none of the other version control systems were
quite ready yet, though he seemed optimistic for them in the next few
years. He also promised to publish imports of the Python repository
into Git, Darcs, Mercurial, Bazaar-NG and Monotone somewhere once he
was able to successfully import them all.

Contributing thread:

- `Source control tools

Underscore assignment in the interactive interpreter

Raymond Hettinger noted that in the interactive interpreter, an
expression that returns None not only suppresses the printing of that
None, but also suppresses the assignment to ``_``. Raymond asked if
this was intentional as it makes code like the following break::

    >>> import re, string
    >>>'lmnop', string.letters)
    <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb6f2c480>
    >>>'pycon', string.letters)
    >>> if _ is not None:
    ...     print

Fredrik Lundh pointed out that users just need to recognize that the
``_`` holds the most recently *printed* result. Guido pronounced that
this would not change. Terry Reedy suggested adding some documentation
for this behavior to either Language Reference 2.3.2 Reserved Classes
of Identifiers and/or to Tutorial 2.1.2 Interactive Mode, but it was
unclear if any doc changes were committed.

Contributing thread:

- `Is implicit underscore assignment buggy?

Removing MAC OS 9 cruft

A number of old MAC OS 9 bits and pieces that are no longer used were removed:

* IDE scripts
* Tools/IDE
* Tools/macfreeze
* Unsupported/mactcp/dnrglue.c
* Wastemods

This should solve some problems for Windows checkouts where files with
trailing dots are not supported.

Contributing threads:

- `Removing Mac OS 9 cruft
- `Mac/wastemodule build failing

Fixing buffer object's char buffer support

Brett Cannon found that ``import array;
int(buffer(array.array('c')))`` caused the interpreter to segfault
because buffer objects were redirecting tp_as_buffer->bf_getcharbuffer
to the wrong tp_as_buffer slot. Brett fixed the bug and updated the
docs a bit to clarify what was intended for the implementation, but
kept changes pretty minimal as Python 3.0 will ditch buffer for the
bytes type anyway.

Contributing threads:

- `How to fix the buffer object's broken char buffer support
- `Is "t#" argument format meant to be char buffer, or just read-only?

Importing subpackages in Jython

In Jython 2.1, importing a module makes all subpackages beneath it
available, unlike in regular Python, where subpackages must be
imported separately. Samuele Pedroni explained that this was
intentional so that imports in Jython would work like imports in Java
do. Guido suggested that having imports work this way in Jython was
fine as long as a Java package was being imported, but when a Python
package was being imported, Jython should use the Python semantics.

Contributing thread:

- `Import semantics

RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)

There was some continued discussion of Paul Jimenez's proposed
`uriparse module`_ which more faithfully implements `RFC 3986`_ than
the current urlparse module. Nick Coghlan submitted an `alternate
implementation`_ that kept all parsed URIs as (scheme, authority,
path, query, fragment) tuples by allowing some of these elements to be
non-strings, e.g. authority could be a (user, password, host, port)
tuple, and path could be a (user, host) tuple. People seemed to like
Nick's implementation, but no final decision on the module was made.

.. _uriparse module:
.. _RFC 3986:
.. _alternate implementation:

Contributing thread:

- `Some more comments re new uriparse module, patch 1462525

False instead of TypeError for frozenset.__contains__

Collin Winter suggested that code like ``{} in frozenset([1, 2, 3])``
should return False instead of raising a TypeError. Guido didn't like
the idea because he thought it would mask bugs where, say, a
user-defined __hash__() method accidentally raised a TypeError.

Contributing thread:

- `Unhashable objects and __contains__()

IOError or ValueError for invalid file modes

Kristján V. Jónsson asked why open()/file() throws an IOError for an
invalid mode string instead of a ValueError. Georg Brandl explained
that either an IOError or a ValueError can be raised depending on
whether the invalid mode was detected in Python's code or in the OS's
fopen call. Guido suggested that this couldn't really be fixed until
Python gets rid of its stdio-based implementation in Python 3.0.

Contributing thread:

- `file() <>`__

Testing, unittest and py.test

Martin Blais checked in un-unittestification of test_struct, and a
number of people questioned whether that was a wise thing to do.
Thomas Wouters suggested that unittest should merge as many features
from py.test_ as possible. This would reduce some of the class-based
boilerplate currently required, and also allow some nice additional
features like test cases generated on the fly. He didn't get much of a
response though, so it was unclear what the plans for Python 2.6 were.

.. _py.test:

Contributing thread:

- `[Python-checkins] r46603 - python/trunk/Lib/test/

hex(), oct() and the 'L' suffix for long numbers

Ka-Ping Yee asked why hex() and oct() still produced an 'L' suffix for
long numbers even now that ints and longs have basically been unified.
`PEP 237`_ had mentioned the removal of this suffix, but not given it
a specific release for removal, so people decided it was best to wait
until Python 3.0 when the 'L' suffix will also be removed from repr().

.. _PEP 237:

Contributing thread:

- `Should hex() yield 'L' suffix for long numbers?

Adding an index of Python symbols

Terry Reedy suggested adding a page to the Python Language Reference
index that would list each symbol in Python (e.g. ``()``, ``[]`` and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) along with the places in the documentation where it was
discussed. Terry promised to submit a plain-text version in time for
the Python 2.5 release, so that someone could convert it to LaTeX and
merge it into the docs.

Contributing thread:

- `Symbol page for Language Reference Manual Index

Behavior of searching for empty substrings

Fredrik Lundh resolved the issues discussed previously with searching
for an empty substring at a position past the end of the string. The
current behavior looks like::

    >>> "ab".find("")
    >>> "ab".find("", 1)
    >>> "ab".find("", 2)
    >>> "ab".find("", 3)

Both Tim Peters and Guido applauded the final resolution.

Contributing thread:

- `Search for empty substrings (was Re: Let's stop eating exceptions
in dict lookup)


Martin Blais asked about adding subprocess.IGNORE along the lines of
subprocess.PIPE which would ignore the child's output without being
susceptible to buffer deadlock problems. Under Unix, IGNORE could be
implemented as ``open('/dev/null', 'w')``, and on Windows,
``open('nul:', 'w')``. People seemed to think this was a useful
feature, but at the time of this summary, no patch had yet been

Contributing thread:

- `subprocess.Popen(.... stdout=IGNORE, ...)

Deferred Threads
- `Improve error msgs?
- `Keeping interned strings in a set
- `Documentation enhancement: "MS free compiler"?
- `Code coverage reporting.
- `Numerical robustness, IEEE etc.

Previous Summaries
- `Let's stop eating exceptions in dict lookup
- `ssize_t question: longs in header files
- `ssize_t: ints in header files
- `zlib module doesn't build - inflateCopy() not found

Skipped Threads
- `Segmentation fault of Python if build on Solaris 9 or10 with Sun
Studio 11 <>`__
- `Possible bug in complexobject.c (still in Python 2.5)
- `[Python-checkins] r46300 - in python/trunk: Lib/
Lib/test/ Lib/test/ Modules/_struct.c
Modules/arraymodule.c Modules/socketmodule.c
- `test_struct failure on 64 bit platforms
- `string inconsistency
- `S/390 buildbot URLs problematic
- `SF patch #1473257: "Add a gi_code attr to generators"
- `test_unicode failure on MIPS
- `valgrind report
- `test_ctypes failures on ppc64 debian
- `Request for patch review
- `patch #1454481 vs buildbot
- `Seeking Core Developers for Vancouver Python Workshop
- `[Python-checkins] Python Regression Test Failures refleak (1)
- `Include/structmember.h, Py_ssize_t
- `DC Python sprint on July 29th
- `tarfile and unicode filenames in windows
- `[Python-checkins] buildbot warnings in hppa Ubuntu dapper trunk
- `-Wi working for anyone else?
- `Inject some tracing ...
- `Segmentation fault in collections.defaultdict
- `Add pure python PNG writer module to stdlib?
- `crash in dict on gc collect
- `"can't unpack IEEE 754 special value on non-IEEE platform"
- `socket._socketobject.close() doesn't really close sockets
- `DRAFT: python-dev summary for 2006-04-16 to 2006-04-30
- `[Python-checkins] r46795 - in python/trunk: Doc/lib/libstdtypes.tex
Lib/test/ Misc/NEWS Objects/stringobject.c
- `xrange vs. int.__getslice__
- `request for review: patch 1446489 (zip64 extensions in zipfile)
- `DRAFT: python-dev summary for 2006-05-01 to 2006-05-15
- `pychecker warnings in Lib/encodings
- `Moving PEP 343 to Final
- `Python sprint at Google Aug. 21-24
- `Long options support
- `High Level Virtual Machine
- `sqlite3 test errors - was : Re: [Python-checkins] r46936 - in
python/trunk: Lib/sqlite3/test/ Lib/sqlite3/test/
Lib/sqlite3/test/ Modules/_sqlite/connection.c
Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c Modules/_sqlite/module.c
- `[Python-checkins] sqlite3 test errors - was : Re: r46936 - in
python/trunk: Lib/sqlite3/test/ Lib/sqlite3/test/
Lib/sqlite3/test/ Modules/_sqlite/connection.c
Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c Modules/_sqlite/module.c
- `[Python-checkins] sqlite3 test errors - was : Re: r46936 - in
python/trunk: Lib/sqlite3/test/ Lib/sqlite3/test/
Lib/sqlite3/test/ Modules/_sqlite/connection.c
Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c Modules/_sqlite/module.c
- `[Python-checkins] sqlite3 test errors - was : Re: r46936 - in
python/trunk: Lib/sqlite3/test/ Lib/sqlite3/test/
Lib/sqlite3/test/ Modules/_sqlite/connection.c
Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c Modules/_sql
- `Last-minute curses patch
- `DRAFT: python-dev summary for 2006-05-16 to 2006-05-31
- `Bug: xml.dom.pulldom never gives you END_DOCUMENT events with an
Expat parser 
- `Misleading error message from PyObject_GenericSetAttr
- `About dynamic module loading


This is a summary of traffic on the `python-dev mailing list`_ from
June 01, 2006 through June 15, 2006.
It is intended to inform the wider Python community of on-going
developments on the list on a semi-monthly basis.  An archive_ of
previous summaries is available online.

An `RSS feed`_ of the titles of the summaries is available.
You can also watch comp.lang.python or comp.lang.python.announce for
new summaries (or through their email gateways of python-list or
python-announce, respectively, as found at

This python-dev summary is the 6th written by
 Steve Bethard. (Please, ma, don't make me do the switch statement summary!)

To contact me, please send email:

- Steve Bethard (steven.bethard at

Do *not* post to comp.lang.python if you wish to reach me.

The `Python Software Foundation`_ is the non-profit organization that
holds the intellectual property for Python.  It also tries to advance
the development and use of Python.  If you find the python-dev Summary
helpful please consider making a donation.  You can make a donation at .  Every cent counts so even a
small donation with a credit card, check, or by PayPal helps.

Commenting on Topics

To comment on anything mentioned here, just post to
`comp.lang.python`_ (or email which is a
gateway to the newsgroup) with a subject line mentioning what you are
discussing.  All python-dev members are interested in seeing ideas
discussed by the community, so don't hesitate to take a stance on
something.  And if all of this really interests you then get involved
and join `python-dev`_!

How to Read the Summaries

That this summary is written using reStructuredText_. Any unfamiliar
punctuation is probably markup for reST_ (otherwise it is probably
regular expression syntax or a typo :); you can safely ignore it.  We
do suggest learning reST, though; it's simple and is accepted for
`PEP markup`_ and can be turned into many different formats like HTML
and LaTeX.

.. _python-dev:
.. _SourceForge:
.. _python-dev mailing list:
.. _comp.lang.python:
.. _PEP Markup:

.. _Docutils:
.. _reST:
.. _reStructuredText:
.. _PSF:
.. _Python Software Foundation:

.. _archive:
.. _RSS feed:

Reply via email to