
Am using WAMP5 and python 2.4.3. I tried to install mod_python 3.2.5
for python2.4. When i tried starting wamp, Firstly there was no error
message in the apache error log. I saw error message in windows event
viewer :

"The Apache service named Apache.exe reported the following error:
>>> Syntax error on line 194 of c:/wamp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: <<<
 before the error.log file could be opened.

"The Apache service named Apache.exe reported the following error:
>>> Cannot load c:/wamp/apache/modules/mod_python.so into server: (126) The 
>>> specified module could not be found: <<<
 before the error.log file could be opened."

I tried searching the net and found this
http://www.modpython.org/FAQ/faqw.py?req=all#2.10 but i don't have
depends.exe. if somebody has faced this problem before, can you please
assist in fixing this bug.. 

thanks and regards,
Gaurav Agarwal


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