kilnhead wrote:

> I have used spe and pyscripter on windows. I currently use Eclipse and
> this it is the best of the lot in terms of functionality. However, it
> does take some effort to get comfortable with. I only wish it had a GUI
> builder for python.
I have found that wxGlade plays nicely with Eclipse/Pydev extensions. 
Eclipse recognizes when wxGlade modifies a .py file and reloads it if 
you have it open for editing.  The Pydev debugger works (for me) with 
wxGlade (wxPython) applications.

wxGlade does not try to impose a project file structure so Eclipse can 
manage all of the files, just create wxGlade's files in the Eclipse 
project folder and refresh the project to get Eclipse to recognise them.

I have not tried it but I think that you can launch wxGlade from within 
Eclipse as an 'External Tool'.  I find it easy enough just to have both 
Eclipse and wxGlade running at the same time.



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