David Hopwood wrote:
> Jürgen Exner wrote:
> > David Hopwood wrote:
> > [...]
> >
> > There is no such error message listed in 'perldoc perldiag'.
> > Please quote the actual text of your error message and include the program
> > that produced this error.
> > Then people here in CLPM may be able to assist you.
> Yes, I'm well aware that most of this thread has been off-topic for c.l.p.m,
> but it is no less off-topic for the other groups (except possibly 
> c.l.functional),
> and I can't trim the Newsgroups line down to nothing.
> Don't you have a newsreader that can mark whole threads that you don't want
> to read?

Sure, or he could just skip over it. Or he could make a simple
request, such as "please trim comp.lang.whatever because it's
off-topic here." But he hasn't done any of these, choosing instead
to drop in with his occasional pointless snarky comments.



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