I am attempting to generate some graphics prior to display on a webpage. I have GhostScript 8.x loaded. And I can from the code below generate the desired graphic. (it's right out of the /demos, pietest.py with some mods) Works great. However were I to paste this into the main flow of my program it fails to gen the graph. Simply no output. I do not produce any errors at run time. I am assuming that I have some pathing wrong.
Running on a WinXP box: Main program is at : c:\Comp\ Spot for graphic land is at : c:\Comp\graphic\ pyChart is located at : C:\Python24\pyChart\ pyChart libraries located at : C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pychart GhostScript located at : C:\gs\gs8.14\bin PYTHONPATH : c:\Python24;c:\Python24\Kari;c:\Python24\pyChart;C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pychart;c:\Comp PATH : c:\WINDOWS\system32;c:\WINDOWS\;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin;c:\PHP;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;c:\python24;C:\Python24\pyChart;C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\pychart;C:\OpenSSH\bin;C:\Comp;C:\gs\gs8.14\bin Anyone see anything that I missed? Code ---------------------------------------------------- from pychart import * import sys theme.get_options() theme.use_color = True theme.output_format="png" theme.output_file="C:\Comp\graphic\pic1.png" theme.reinitialize() data = [("foo", 10),("bar", 20), ("baz", 30), ("ao", 40)] ar = area.T(size=(300,300), legend=legend.T(), x_grid_style = None, y_grid_style = None) plot = pie_plot.T(data=data, arc_offsets=[0,10,0,10], shadow = (2, -2, fill_style.gray50), label_offset = 25, arrow_style = arrow.a3) ar.add_plot(plot) ar.draw() -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list