At first I was going to post the following:

<!-- beginning of my original post -->

I just discovered the inspect module, which contains the isfunction and
ismethod functions. For some reason, I used to be under the impression
that Python methods are no different from Python functions. Naturally,
I wondered why both of these needed to exist (I also later discovered
the isroutine function). So I started to experiment at prompt. Here's
what I did:

>>> from inspect import *
>>> def dan(): pass
>>> ismethod(dan)
>>> isfunction(dan)
>>> class Foo:
...     def meth(self): pass
>>> m = Foo.meth
>>> m
<unbound method Foo.meth>
>>> ismethod(m)
>>> Foo.func = dan    # <-- Appearantly, something magical happens here, 
>>> because...
>>> Foo.func
<unbound method Foo.dan>
>>> f = Foo.func
>>> f is dan               # <-- things begins to look suprising here.
>>> ismethod(f)

Imagine my surprise. Why would Python do this?

<!-- end of my original post, with ending censored -->

but then I tried this:

>>> res = Foo.__dict__['func']
>>> res is dan

And it all started to make sense. The surprising thing turned out to be
not so surprising: When the expression Foo.func gets evaluated, we get
a method which is just a wrapper around dan. Therefore, f is not dan!

This is still a little bit of magic, which gets me thinking again about
the stuff I self-censored. Since the dot syntax does something special
and unexpected in my case, why not use some more dot-magic to implement
privates? Privates don't have to be entirely absent from Klass.__dict__
(which would make Python not introspective); they can just be invisible
when using the dot-syntax.

BTW, I am aware of Python's name mangling feature.


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