Marshall schrieb:
> Chris Smith wrote:
>> Joachim Durchholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I *think* I understand Marshall here.  When you are saying "assignment",
>> you mean assignment to values of attributes within tuples of the cell.
>> When Marshall is saying "assignment", he seems to mean assigning a
>> completely new *table* value to a relation; i.e., wiping out the entire
>> contents of the relation and replacing it with a whole new set of
>> tuples.  Your assignment is indeed less powerful than DML, whereas
>> Marshall's assignment is more powerful than DML.
> Exactly.

Ah well. I never meant that kind of assignment.

Besides, all the aliasing possibilities already happen at the field 
level, so it never occurred to me that whole-table assignment might 
enter into the picture.


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