On 2006-07-18, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, tac-tics
> wrote:
>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>> for pete's sake use the comparison operator like god intended.
>>>     if 0 <= i <= 10000:
>> I'm assuming you used Python's compound comparison as opposed to the
>> C-style of and'ing two comparisons together to emphasize the fact it is
>> god's chosen way of doing this ;-)
> Pete doesn't like to be called god in public.  ;-)

Interesting point.  Does the phrase "for pete's sake as god
intended" equate pete with god?  

It's possible that pete is not god and yet god's intentions are
in pete's best interest, so something could be "for pete's
sake" and "as god intended" without pete being god.

That said, "for pete's sake" is probably a just an cleaned up
version of "for god's sake", so I probably did call pete god.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  This PORCUPINE knows
                                  at               his ZIPCODE... And he has
                               visi.com            "VISA"!!

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