Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> Carl Banks a écrit :
> > Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
> >
> >>There are less risk of a typo with "if a:" than with "if len(a) > 0".
> >
> >
> > So, it's more important to protect against typos than subtle bugs?
> >
> People making smart points are really annoying... !-)
> wrt/ to the "subtle bug" point, MHO is that a better solution could be
> to have iterators/generators implement __nonzero__ the same way numpy
> arrays do. It may not be a very strong argument, but I actually like the
> fact that empty sequences eval to false just like numeric zeros and None...

Well, I certainly can agree with that, except for the last point. :)  I
certainly wouldn't want to keep that unfortunate behavior around just I
have something to use as an argument using len to test emptiness.

Carl Banks


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