On Wednesday 19 July 2006 3:12 pm, rony steelandt wrote:
> Imagine I have x projects and they all use util.py
> What would be the best way to organise this
> 1.
> c --\project1\*.py
>   |-\project2\*.py
>   --\globals\util.py
> This organisation has the problem that if I have to modify something to
> util.py that I need in project2, I'll have to retest project1 to make sure
> it still works (that could be project 1..n).
> 2.
> A copy of util.py in each project directory ? The advantage is that I can
> modify each util.py in function of the need of the project but it looks
> clutered, having n versions of util.py.
> What is the best solution ? or is there another even better solution ?

You could introduce version numbers to your module hierarchy...


...then in your code do something like...

from globals.v1-0 import util

...which would allow some sharing without needing to retest.


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