Lotze wrote:

> I wonder how to solve the following problem the most pythonic way:
> Suppose you have a function f which, as part of its protocol, raises some
> standard exception E under certain, well-defined circumstances. Suppose
> further that f calls other functions which may also raise E. How to best
> distinguish whether an exception E raised by f has the meaning defined by
> the protocol or just comes from details of the implementation?
> […]
> Several solutions come to mind, neither of which I'm satisfied with:
> - f might catch E exceptions from the implementation and raise some other
> error in their stead, maybe with an appropriate message or treating the
> traceback in some helpful way. This destroys the original exception.

This is the way to go I think.  After all it's not an ordinary `E` but one
that has a special, well defined meaning if raised by `f` itself according
to your protocol.

Put the original exception as an attribute to the new one and/or subclass
the new exception type from `E`.  This way calling code can choose to to
handle both types as `E` if the distinction is not important.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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