On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Jonathan Ballet <j...@multani.info> wrote:
> On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 09:25:27PM -0700, Vincent Cheng wrote:
>> >>
>> >> It's on my todo list (along with other things like migrating to
>> >> pybuild and running the test suite with xvfb, etc.), but I doubt I'll
>> >> have time to get around to this anytime soon. Anyways, patches welcome
>> >> as always. :)
>> >
>> > I would love to help, but as much as I've been using Debian, it seems my
>> > head can't fit how to properly set up, build and/or hack on Debian
>> > packaging :/
>> > If you ever make a patch (or at worst, several patches) to solve this
>> > issue, I can try to have another look and try to understand this, once
>> > again.
>> If you're in need of a good practical Debian packaging guide, I highly
>> recommend Lucas Nussbaum's packaging-tutorial (which you can apt-get
>> install, or fetch online [1]). Some Python specific packaging tips are
>> covered on the Debian wiki [2] as well. You're also more than welcome
>> to drop by #debian-mentors and #debian-python on OFTC if you're still
>> struggling with packaging-related issues.
>> Regards,
>> Vincent
>> [1] 
>> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial.en.pdf
>> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/Python/LibraryStyleGuide
> Thank you for the links. I will have a look and try to propose a patch
> when I will time, patience, and motivation to dive into this again.
> Hopefully, by then, the package will be out of experimental and I would
> be able to install the build dependencies without spending 50 minutes to
> try to do so (which I gave up to.)

I suggest using a clean chroot for building packages, e.g. using
pbuilder [1], cowbuilder, or sbuild. This is required if you're
actually uploading packages to the archive, and the buildds also build
packages in clean, disposable chroots, to avoid contamination by your
local build environment. It also makes it far easier to automatically
install the correct build-deps, without messing up your local build

I'm waiting for a new upstream release (1.9.2?) before uploading
pygame to unstable (python3 support in pygame isn't mature enough with


[1] http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/pbuilder-doc/pbuilder-doc.html

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