Jaroslav Benkovský <jaroslav.benkov...@nic.cz>

> > uscan --report
> uscan warning: In debian/watch,
>   no matching hrefs for watch line
>   http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/requests/requests-(.*)\.tar\.gz
> Looks like  PyPi returns an empty page for a requests for
> http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/r/requests/ .

Yes, the end of the “simple API” (which the above line relies on) was
announced by the PyPI administrators a while ago. Looks like it is now
in effect.

We now have ‘pypi.debian.net’ to provide a working uscan interface to
PyPI packages.

> Perhaps it's a configuration change on PyPi's side? Maybe other packages
> are affected as well ...

Definitely. See the description and sample ‘debian/watch’ file at

 \         “Religious faith is the one species of human ignorance that |
  `\     will not admit of even the *possibility* of correction.” —Sam |
_o__)                                 Harris, _The End of Faith_, 2004 |
Ben Finney

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