Thomas Goirand <> writes:

> Since there's no movement on this bug (even not a reply from the current
> maintainers), I've prepared an NMU, which I'm uploading to the delayed 3
> days queue. If I noticed earlier that this issue wasn't solved, I would
> have probably uploaded earlier.

Sorry, I would have looked at at a lot earlier, but I somehow missed
seeing the bug report.

> Attached to this message, you'll find the proposed diff. You'll note
> that it also patches the doc's which is using intersphinx. This
> does network access during build, which is also an RC bug. If you don't
> agree with this debdiff, please let me know ASAP, and I'll dcut the
> package out.

It looks like your patch has been applied into git by Ondřej Nový (who I
CCed), so I think your upload is good to go. I think the only thing left
is to add the tags to git.

Only possible concern: Is it ok to disable intersphinx like this? I
assume the documentation will still be good, just the links to external
documentation won't appear as links. Is this correct?
Brian May <>

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