
I just released Trollius 0.1.5:

It is synchronized with Tulip 0.3.1 and the asyncio module of Python 3.4 rc1.

Changes between Trollius 0.1.4 and 0.1.5:

- Merge with Tulip 0.3.1:

  * New asyncio.subprocess module
  * _UnixWritePipeTransport now also supports character devices, as
    _UnixReadPipeTransport. Patch written by Jonathan Slenders.
  * StreamReader.readexactly() now raises an IncompleteReadError if the
    end of stream is reached before we received enough bytes, instead of
    returning less bytes than requested.
  * poll and epoll selectors now round the timeout away from zero (instead of
    rounding towards zero) to fix a performance issue
  * asyncio.queue: Empty renamed to QueueEmpty, Full to QueueFull
  * _fatal_error() of _UnixWritePipeTransport and _ProactorBasePipeTransport
    don't log BrokenPipeError nor ConnectionResetError
  * Future.set_exception(exc) now instanciate exc if it is a class
  * streams.StreamReader: Use bytearray instead of deque of bytes for internal

- Fix test_wait_for() unit test


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