You should be able to get the socket object using

On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 10:29 PM, Travis LaDuke <>

> Sorry. I don't get to python very much. This is the first thing I've sat
> down to try with asyncio and of course just my luck it's some hard thing.
> When I try to send a message to for example "", I get a
> permission denied error, even as root.
> I think I need to set some options on the socket (SO_BROADCAST), but it
> looks like BaseEventLoop.create_datagram_endpoint doesn't have a sock
> argument like the create_connection does.
> I did search the internet for quite a while and didn't see any examples or
> anyone really talking about udp broadcast. Sorry if I just don't understand
> python enough and it's just some trivial method passing thing.
> thanks

--Guido van Rossum (

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