What would Twisted do? (WWTD)

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 6:20 PM, Victor Stinner <victor.stin...@gmail.com>

> 2015-01-29 2:47 GMT+01:00 Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org>:
> > Doesn't the exception bubble up to the caller of create_connection()?
> Yes, it does.
> >  So what's the problem?
> The problem is in server which accepts incoming connections:
> BaseSelectorEventLoop._accept_conncetion(). Extract of the code:
> ---
>     conn, addr = sock.accept()
>     (...)
>     protocol = protocol_factory()
>     if sslcontext:
>         self._make_ssl_transport(
>             conn, protocol, sslcontext,
>             server_side=True, extra={'peername': addr}, server=server)
>     else:
>         self._make_socket_transport(
>             conn, protocol , extra={'peername': addr},
>             server=server)
>     # It's now up to the protocol to handle the connection.
> ---
> If the transport fails before calling connection_made() (ex: SSL
> handshake failure): the transport and the protocol are destroyed, no
> message is logged, the server is not aware of the connection failure.
> I would like to notify the server through the protocol (call
> connection_failed) that an incoming connection failed. Random use
> case: blacklist temporary the client IP.
> Victor

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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