On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 4:39 PM, Tin Tvrtković <tinches...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> following the discussion from
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/python-tulip/iGPv24gTpAI,
> I've been working on a small library for async access to files through a
> thread pool. I've been aiming to emulate the existing file API as much as
> possible:
> f = yield from aiofiles.open('test.bin', mode='rb')
> try:
>     data = yield from f.read(512)
> finally:
>     yield from f.close()
> Cool project!

> I've run into two difficulties - first, it's difficult for me to tell
> which calls may actually block (does 'isatty' block? does 'seekable' block
> [I think so]?) and which don't have to go through an executor. But this is
> a question for another day. :)

isatty() can definitely make a system call -- e.g.
http://opensource.apple.com/source/Libc/Libc-167/gen.subproj/isatty.c -- so
it should be considered blocking. For seekable() I couldn't find any
dynamic implemetations, but IIRC it's possible to implement this as trying
to seek to the current position and catching the error (and then caching it
so subsequent calls won't have to do this). You should probably try to find
at least one such implementation -- if you can't find one assume it won't
be needed. (After all you're *defining* how things will behave in your
version here.)

> The second is that certain nifty file operations can't really be ported to
> the async world; for example context managers. A file close may block, I
> believe, so __exit__ would need to be yielded from, and that's currently
> impossible, right?


> Also, iterating over the file is also presenting me with difficulties.
> There's no way for __next__ to be a coroutine, right? So __next__ would
> have to return futures. But how to know when to raise StopIteration without
> actually doing IO? Also, all the futures would basically be the same -
> calling readline() in an executor. So if a used accidentally (or on purpose
> maybe) doesn't actually yield from the futures right away, the iteration
> would spin infinitely.
> I'm thinking implementing something like this isn't worth the trouble, and
> users should just be instructed to use a while loop and readline() until an
> empty result comes back. I'd appreciate comments to my conclusions, from
> the experts. :)

Sounds like a plan. This is where I left it with the asyncio.streams API as

> I will say one thing, I've learned a lot about Python 3's file IO stack :)

You're welcome!

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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