The wiki pages are preserved in the wiki branch of the repo. If you want to
help putting them back in the github wiki slot I can give you repo access.
On Apr 11, 2015 9:58 AM, "Ludovic Gasc" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> At least to me, the most important wiki page of Tulip project was:
> With the Github migration, this wiki page has been gone.
> The performances list page was also interesting.
> Personnally, I've followed both pages via RSS feeds to follow AsyncIO
> ecosystem.
> BTW, small suggestion: instead of to create a wiki page in Github, we
> should maybe create a docs/ folder published on readthedocs or use github
> pages.
> The goal isn't to have another place for AsyncIO documentation, we already
> have that in the official Python doc, only for the previous wiki content.
> This should facilitate contributions for theses pages via pull requests
> and follow changes.
> Regards.

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