
When you have a bug with asyncio, the first step is to enable the debug
mode and the logger:

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Le 9 août 2015 17:00, <chetanre...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I tried to run the following program with Python-3.5.0b4, and it hangs
> forever:
> --------------------------------------------
> import asyncio
> async def sleepWithShell(loop):
>     process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell("sleep 2", loop=loop)
>     await process.wait()
>     return True
> async def sleepWithAsyncio(loop):
>     await asyncio.sleep(2, loop=loop)
>     return True
> def main():
>     loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
>     coros = [ sleepWithShell(loop) for i in range(5)]
>     results = loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*coros, loop=loop))
>     loop.close()
>     print(results)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
> ----------------------------------------------
> In main, if you replace sleepWithShell with sleepWithAsyncio the program
> will run as expected. I looked through the code, and I now understand that
> process.wait doesn't work because the child process watcher is not
> associated with the loop that's passed.
> In an ideal world, i'd like to be able to create a loop, use it and close
> it without changing any global state. It seems like that's possible with
> some coroutines, but not with create_subprocess_shell.
> If passing a custom loop to create_subprocess_shell isn't always
> supported,  I was wondering if it's possible to check and raise an
> exception in subprocess.Process.wait instead of just hanging forever.
> Thanks,
> Chetan

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