Does setting PYTHONASYNCIODEBUG=1 complain about these mistakes? If so, I
think we're good; if not, we should add some checks if loop._debug is true.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 5:30 AM, Vincent Michel <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I recently realized that when a future is yielded, `Task._wakeup` is added
> as a done callback without checking that their loops are the same. That
> means that `Task._wakeup` might end up being called in the future loop
> instead of its own loop, which seems wrong. Is there a reason not to check
> this in `Task._step`?
>     def _step(self, exc=None):
>     [...]
>         if isinstance(result, futures.Future):
>             if self._loop is not result._loop:
>                 self._loop.call_soon(
>                     self._step,
>                     RuntimeError(
>                         'a future using a different loop has been yielded')
> A common mistake is to forget the `loop` argument when using a different
> loop than the one provided by `asyncio.get_event_loop`:
>     async def coro():
>         await asyncio.sleep(3)
>     loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
>     loop.run_until_complete(coro())
> This code blocks forever, since the `sleep` is scheduled in a different
> event loop. It can be quite painful to debug, especially for someone
> experimenting with asyncio for the first time. But with the modification
> proposed above, this example would raise the following exception instead:
>     RuntimeError: a future using a different loop has been yielded
> Part of the problem is also that one might expect the current loop to be
> used,  while it actually defaults to the result of `asyncio.get_event_loop`.
> Has this issue been discussed already?
> Thanks.

--Guido van Rossum (

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