Having thought and looked this over I think this would be a nice addition,
so I welcome a PR.

Some comments on the code you linked to:

- Should probably verify that self._task is None when __enter__ is called.
- Maybe also clear self._cancel_handler in __exit__? (Else why clear

On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 10:27 PM, Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svet...@gmail.com>

> asyncio has wait_for coroutine for timeouts.
> It works like:
> async def coro():
>     # do long running task
>     await asyncio.sleep(10000)
> await asyncio.wait_for(coro(), 1.5)
> The approach requires splitting code into two functions: one for waiting
> and other for performing the task.
> aiohttp has Timeout class (
> https://github.com/KeepSafe/aiohttp/blob/master/aiohttp/helpers.py#L451-L488
> ).
> The code from example may be rewritten as:
> with Timeout(1.5):
>     # do long running task
>     await asyncio.sleep(10000)
> It raises asyncio.TimeoutError and cancels inner code if timeout runs out.
> I believe the Timeout context manager worth to be included into asyncio
> itself.
> It is a regular context manager (no __aenter__/__aexit__ required) and
> works even with Python 3.3
> I'll be happy to make a Pull Request after getting general agreement.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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