2016-02-29 14:10 GMT+01:00 Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svet...@gmail.com>:
> IIRC latest asyncio uses BIO (not socket wrapper) for SSL processing,
> so it does never block.

What about Python 3.4 which doesn't support BIO? Do you think that the
SSL/TLS handshake can block? We use it in asynchronous mode, no?

sslsock = sslcontext.wrap_socket(rawsock, do_handshake_on_connect=False, ...)

The socket is in non-blocking mode, no?

In the C code, _ssl__SSLSocket_do_handshake_impl():

        nonblocking = (sock->sock_timeout >= 0);
        BIO_set_nbio(SSL_get_rbio(self->ssl), nonblocking);
        BIO_set_nbio(SSL_get_wbio(self->ssl), nonblocking);
        ret = SSL_do_handshake(self->ssl);
        } else if (sockstate == SOCKET_IS_NONBLOCKING) {


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