Yes, asynczip() sounds like a nice abstraction if you already have two
async-iterable streams.

Perhaps it makes sense to add it to aiohttp, or to release it as a separate
PyPI package first.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Julien Palard <> wrote:

> o/
> On 04/18/2016 05:31 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > You can do this using callbacks, or you can have separate loops
> You're right, look like I forgot to drop some context: my aggregation of
> various asynchronous iterables should happen within a `def` (when this
> `def` returns, the connection is closed, I'm using aiohttp).
> So, from my point of view, the following design looked obvious:
>     async def request_handler(self, request):
>         async for message in asynczip(request.messages,
> *self.event_sources):
>             if message_is_from_client(message) and message['data'] ==
> 'close':
>                 return
>             request.socket.send(message)
> Like you said, I can use a shared state object and callbacks, maybe like:
>     async def request_handler(self, request):
>         for source in self.event_sources:
>             source.on_message(request.socket.send)
>         async for message in request.messages:
>             if message['data'] == 'close:
>                 return
> It does not look that wrong, in one hand, it clearly separates messages
> from server and messages from client, which was badly merged in the
> asynczip. In the other hand, I have to unsubscribe my callbacks or maybe
> use weak references to avoid writing to a closed socket.
> I think asyncio is a great and nice abstraction of callbacks, which I
> don't like. It's obviously right that we can replace "asynczip" (I don't
> like the name) with callbacks, but it probably make the code less
> readable, less "asyncio", and also, due to various references, more
> "tangled" and bug prone (just a personal intuition).
> I'll probably take the time to implement my project without asynczip,
> with just callbacks to have a real diff to look at.
> --
> Julien Palard

--Guido van Rossum (

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