That's quite surprising to me too, BTW.  I was focused on generator vs
`async def ...` coros and hadn't even tried the legacy decorator.

Would it be possible for asyncio code to be altered in a way that produces
awaitables which conform with inspect's protocol?   Ie. through code flags
or some other flag that inspect looks for?  I assume a similar stance could
then be taken by other async libraries.

If it's just not in the cards may I humbly suggest the docs for the inspect
module include some language to help users avoid some of these


On Mon, Nov 7, 2016 at 10:20 PM Yury Selivanov <> wrote:

> Introspection functions from the inspect module are designed for native
> types. Introspection functions from asyncio are designed for what asyncio
> treats as coroutines.  Consider this example:
> @asyncio.coroutine
> def coro():
>     print(‘hello’)
> ‘asyncio.iscoroutinefunction' will return ‘True' for ‘coro’, because it
> knows how specifically asyncio wraps non-generator functions.  To make
> ‘inspect.iscoroutinefunction’ recognize ‘coro’ as a coroutine function we
> would need to make ‘inspect’ aware of asyncio.  But asyncio is just one
> user of async/await and generator-based coroutines.  Twisted and Tornado
> have their own coroutine decorators, we can’t make inspect to recognize
> coroutines from them all.
> Yury
> > On Nov 8, 2016, at 12:03 AM, Justin Mayfield <> wrote:
> >
> > I know this is documented in PEP 492 but I'm struggling to understand
> why the inspect module has several test functions (iscoroutine,
> iscoroutinefunction, isawaitable) that only work for native coros.
> Comparatively the same functions in the asyncio module work for both native
> and generator based coros.
> >
> > It was an interesting exercise for me to figure this out the hard way so
> it's safe to say there is peril in this distinction for at least one
> developer.  Furthermore, the docs for both sets of functions don't elude to
> these subtle but important distinctions.
> >
> > Are there good reasons for this distinction going forward?
> >
> > Here are some surprising (to me) tests...
> >
> > Python 3.5.2 (default, Oct 14 2016, 12:54:53)
> > [GCC 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-2)] on linux
> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> > >>> import inspect
> > >>> import asyncio
> > >>> inspect.iscoroutinefunction(asyncio.sleep)
> > False
> > >>> asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(asyncio.sleep)
> > True
> > >>> inspect.iscoroutine(asyncio.sleep(1))
> > False
> > >>> asyncio.iscoroutine(asyncio.sleep(1))
> > True
> > >>> inspect.isawaitable(asyncio.sleep(1))
> > 256
> >
> >
> > The last test is particularly interesting;  At least it's truthy?
> >

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