Allow me a trip into fantasy land. I'd like to play with an idea for a lecture of broad appeal suitable for the 11th, where we addresses a wider audience of non-Python users. What do you think?

Ten lines of code - Python's power
Lecture by
???, Michael Grazebrook, and ???
Date & Time: 11th April 2007
Networking and refreshments 17:30 - 18:30.
Lecture: 18:30 - 20:00
Networking and Wine reception 20:00 - 22:00
Cost: Free
Venue: The IET, Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL

Python is a superb language for the casual user. Yet it's also robust enough to run business on. This talk is aimed at people who've never used Python before, to show how to do simple but powerful things with it. It's also about protecting the fish in Dad's pond.

This talk presents five small programs, each in less than ten lines of code, which you could easily adapt:

  • A program to grab (?the event calendar from the IET web-site? - some web page) and put it into Excel
  • Driving some hardware from a simple USB-driven bread-board
  • A simple web server
  • A simple Windows user interface using WMI
  • Putting it together - a remote application with hardware to protect dad's fish

Bring a lap-top if you want. After the lecture, we'll retire to the IET bar. We'll have experienced Python users on hand to help you try out the demos and get up to speed. You may also get to meet some of the authors of Python text books and packages, who are proposing to put on some talks on more advanced topics later in the year.

Python is also a powerful language robust enough that organisations from banks to internet companies run major systems with it. But that's a topic for another day.

Now I'm a Python beginner, only a few months professional experience. I know some of what I propose is possible. And I've written some of these components. I've never used WMI and never used the  Excel interface (though I want to). I'm wondering if one or two of you could share the duty of being the speaker.  3 speakers with 15 minutes each plus questions seems less daunting than doing the whole talk on my own.

I'm also thinking we might use it as a networking event to see what the interest is like and put together more meaty proposals for more specialised themes. Would you lot turn up even though the content isn't advanced?

I think I should also explain the bit about "protecting the fish in dad's pond". It relates to my present to my father. He has a pond with a boat and some fish in it. He likes his fish and he doesn't like the heron which eats them. So we thought it would be fun to set up a steerable web-cam which you could operate from anywhere. Then do something to scare the heron if we see it (make a noise? fire a water pistol? we haven't built it yet). So my present was a copy of Python, a couple of servos and a USB interface board from Maplin. I'm off home tomorrow (Sunday) to see if we can make it happen ...

My fear is that this rather trivial stuff would not attract you lot - and if we're to make this regular, we need to prove that enough people want it to get in good audiences. After the lecture, I want to do some "market research" on what people want. This would be an excellent forum for us to thrash out in more detail what we want to do with a full monthly time slot. Note that we won't get the main lecture theatre most of the time, as we will on the 11th. The plan is to run in parallel with other events, because the building will be already staffed and the nibbles laid out.

Anyone is welcome to call me on 020 73761337 or 07713 02580 (please call out of business hours).

What do you think?

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