Welcome to London Ciarán!
Which end of town are you in? I'm in Camden, working in Clerkenwell.
The dojo is a new idea, scheduled in addition to London Python meetups.
There have been intermittent London Python meetups in the past, arranged
by a variety of worthy people. Sometimes they are lightning talks,
sometimes booze-ups. We're trying to establish a new regular schedule
for them but I can't remember what it is! They are announced on this
list when they happen though.
Paul Nasrat wrote:
2009/10/9 Ciarán Mooney <general.moo...@googlemail.com>:
I've just moved to London, and after being dissapointed by the lack of
LUGs in the area I have decided to start looking for Pythonistas.
There is Lonix and Gllug - but I'm not sure how active they are atm
but they do still meet, personally I find Linux user groups less
likely to be full of contributors and get less out of them than I did
in early 2000s.
Are there any active groups that meet in the London area, preferably
within walking distance of the tube?
We're having a dojo next week and there was a DJUGL (Django User Group
London) on the 24th. Which should be several python meets a month.
What sort of areas are you interested in - systems, dev, languages,
etc. There is a lot going on in a bunch of communities in London.
Next meet is:
There is a sign up and information page here:
We're doing tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses) with and AI opponent.
18:30 15 October 2009
Fry-IT Limited
503 Enterprise House
1/2 Hatfields London
Telephone: 0207 0968800
Nearest Tubes: Waterloo Southwark
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Jonathan Hartley Made of meat. http://tartley.com
tart...@tartley.com +44 7737 062 225 twitter/skype: tartley
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