I for one would be very interested, where would this be held?

----- Original message -----
> Hi All,
> So I've finished digesting the lessons from the workshop last month,
> and re-writing my tutorials appropriately.   It seems I wasn't
> traumatised enough by the first one, so I'm keen to do a follow-up!
> So, would anyone be interested in doing a part 2?   topics will include:
> - urls, views and templates in django
> - unit testing with the Django Test Client
> - some testing philosophy:   what to test, what not to test
> - (if time) testing javascript
> And (aside from John in the Midlands) would anyone be interested in
> re-doing a part 1?
> For anyone that doesn't remember the general idea, it's essentially
> going through the official Django tutorial, but with full TDD,
> including Selenium.   So it's pitched at TDD beginners, can accomodate
> Django beginners, but is probably a bit too low-level for experienced
> TTD'ers or Selenium users. Materials and blog here:
> http://harry.pythonanywhere.com
> cheers all,
> Harry
> --
> ------------------------------
> Harry J.W. Percival
> ------------------------------
> Twitter: @hjwp
> Mobile:  +44 (0) 78877 02511
> Skype:         harry.percival
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