On 16 May 2013, at 11:22, Tim Diggins wrote:

> PS at the risk of starting a flame war: "zc.buildout"… --shudder-- 
> Feels like there are two different python communities sometimes, those that 
> use zope-derived rather java-flavoured tools and mindset, and the rest.

I don't want to start a flamewar either, but I am interested in what exactly 
makes you shudder about zc.buildout?

I agree with you about the two separate communities…well to a degree. When Zope 
started way back when, there was no best practise, and so it had to create its 
own path. There were a lot of mistakes along the way, and a lot of lessons 
learnt. But there were a lot of things that were way more advanced than 
anything out there at the time. There was no easy_install, pip, eggs… even PyPI 
(the cheeseshop) was in its infancy.

Zope2 was a massive beast with quite a bit of momentum and it took quite some 
time to re-align it with the best practise as it emerged.  

But these days, it is very 'pythonic' and fits in with the rest of the 
community pretty will I think. I think the people that generally run screaming 
when the hear anything mentioned that starts with a 'z' are those that 
experienced Zope in its teenage years when it was transitioning to follow best 

The Zope community was doing big web application deployments over a decade ago 
and needed tools to manage deployment, configuration management, etc and so had 
to build those tools as the term 'devops' had not even been invented yet. A lot 
of knowledge, experience, pain, and ultimately success has come out of that 
community, and I always feel a bit sad when it is written off by people who 
don't like the smell/flavour of it.

The Pyramid developers took their knowledge and experience of Zope and learnt 
from its shortcomings and successes and went on to create something that really 
is truly awesome. I wish there was more of that in the Python community.


Matt Hamilton, Technical Director
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