[With apologies to those who will inevitably see this message in more than one 
group or list.]

In 2014 Cardiff will hold the first-ever Django conference in the UK.


Django Weekend Cardiff will take place at Cardiff University in Wales 
<http://cardiff.ac.uk>, from the 7th to the 9th February, for three days of 
talks, tutorials, code sprints and clinics.

The conference is Django-focused, but all aspects of Python fall within its 

Django Weekend Cardiff is a Django/Python non-profit community event, organised 
and run entirely by unpaid volunteers.

The success of Python and Django community events relies upon the generosity of 
sponsors <https://djangoweekend.org/sponsors/>. Can you help?

Every penny received will go directly towards making this a better conference 
and improving the experience enjoyed by attendees.

Our sponsorship prospectus <https://djangoweekend.org/sponsorship-prospectus/> 
outlines some ways sponsors can get involved. If you'd like to be part of the 
event, please get in touch.

With thanks,


python-uk mailing list

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