
a very quick introduction for anyone who doesn't know me already: my name
is Andrea, I'm a Python/Django developer and I moved to London less than 1
year ago.

I usually attend Python-Dojo monthly and other events organized by DJUGL
and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in organizing a monthly
"ligthing talk" evening in London.

I'm writing this email to understand if there is enough interest, where we
could host it and who we could ask to give these talks.

I can volunteer for a couple of talks and with the organization of the
event, I just hope to be at a good level for the audience that will attend

What do you think about?

Please let me have your feedback :)


Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia Developer
website: http://www.andreagrandi.it
python-uk mailing list

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