*//excursus on the moan *
The problem with  seems to be with scopes vs namespace differentiation
rather than comprehensions (though I haven't *actually* tried this in
python 3). So this problem only should occur in class bodies. And doing
heavy lifting stuff like comprehensions in a class body is a bit dangerous,
and you'd be better off doing it "properly" with a bit of metaprogramming
 or wrapping it in function (which you could actually call in the body of
the module after class definition and then modify the class after creation)

On 30 May 2014 15:01, Harry Percival <harry.perci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Uk-Pythoneers!
> *(with apologies to the wise ones amongst us who have chosen to live well
> away from the Big Smoke)*
> I'm involved in a couple of Python/TDD things in the next couple of weeks,
> both free to attend:
> Outside-In TDD and Test Isolation:
> https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6410-outside-in-tdd-and-test-isolation-how-to-use-the-pain-of-horrible-mocks-to-drive-better-design
> (all about testing, isolation, mocking, and the pains thereof... it may to
> provide some insight into the #TDDisDead / DHH controversy, if you've been
> following that)
> Introduction to TDD workshop with Andrea Crotti:
> https://skillsmatter.com/meetups/6424-obey-the-testing-goat
> (a gentle introduction to TDD with Django, for anyone that can't make it
> to EuroPython this year)
> Hope they're of interest!
> HP
> PS Can I have a little moan about generator / list comprehension scoping
> in Python 3?  I just ran into this:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11669379/undefined-global-in-list-generator-expression-using-python3-works-with-python2
> -- so now I can't use variables from the enclosing scope inside my
> comprehensions?  that sucks!  Doesn't it?
> --
> ------------------------------
> Harry J.W. Percival
> ------------------------------
> Twitter: @hjwp
> Mobile:  +44 (0) 78877 02511
> Skype:         harry.percival
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