I'm a member of the London PyLadies chapter, which is fairly new...

I'm not sure if any of the main organizers is on this list, but in case
they aren't, I can put anyone who is interested in touch with them.

And if they are on the list, I'm hoping they will see this thread and speak
up. :-)

Naomi Ceder

On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 11:07 AM, Tom Dunham <t...@tomdunham.org> wrote:

> Hi Nicholas,
> I don't suppose there's an initiative like "pyladies for pycon" for pycon
> UK? I ask because my employer thinks that our engineering teams would
> benefit from being more diverse (fwiw I agree), and if there was something
> like this I might be able to shake some money loose.
> I'll ask about general sponsorship too.
> Cheers,
> Tom
>  On 18 Jul 2014 10:32, "Nicholas H.Tollervey" <nt...@ntoll.org> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi Folks,
>> Yes, September is fast approaching and this year's PyconUK is going to
>> be better than ever! (I hope you've all booked your tickets.)
>> To make it the resounding success that it deserves to be we need
>> sponsorship! If you work for a Python based business why not consider
>> one of the various options outlined here:
>> http://pyconuk.net/SponsorShip
>> There are levels of support for all sorts of different sized businesses.
>> Now I realise you may be a programmer rather than someone who controls
>> the purse strings. If that's the case, go see the person who control
>> such purse strings and make your case! Better still, forward them
>> these reasons for becoming a sponsor of PyconUK:
>> * Developers who love Python love companies that support Python. If
>> you're hiring, being able to say "we sponsor PyconUK" is an instant
>> tick in your favour and will differentiate your company and projects
>> from the crowd of "exciting greenfield projects for totally exciting
>> companies in the city" that crowd the job boards.
>> * If you're offering a technical product our delegates are likely to
>> be your customers.
>> * If you're using Python to deliver to a non-technical customer our
>> delegates include the authors and maintainers of some of the software
>> you probably use to build your product - it's a way to say thank-you
>> and if you ever reach out to them, they're likely to be familiar with
>> your support for PyconUK.
>> * You work for a good company? Sponsoring PyconUK is a great way to
>> prove it.
>> Don't believe us?
>> If you mention small Python development company Fry-IT to any London
>> based Python developer they'll instantly say, "they're a great
>> company". Do they have a problem hiring? No, and they certainly don't
>> use job agents! Why? Because they sponsor PyconUK and the London
>> Python Code Dojo.
>> Ask about the education track and PyconUK delegates will say, "those
>> Bank of America guys were great". People were so impressed by the
>> sponsorship of Bank of America for last year's conference that they
>> were regularly mentioned in post-conference blogs.
>> Wouldn't it be great if people talked about your company in these ways..?
>> I'm more than happy to answer any questions you may have (as are
>> others on the organising committee) and feel free to point your
>> purse-string person in my direction.
>> All the best,
>> Nicholas.
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Naomi Ceder
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