Hi folks

Registration is now open for the NAO interfaces
<http://www.eventbrite.com/e/nao-interfaces-2015-tickets-15740432056> 2015
hackathon which will take place over the weekend of 11-12 April at Queen
Mary University London (near Mile End tube).

The basic aim is to get as much cool stuff together in one place for a
weekend and see what amazing things people like you can do with it.

Since the event is being organised by UKNAO <http://www.uknao.com/>, there
will be NAO robots there.

We've also had confirmation from Thlamic Labs that they will be providing myo
gesture control armbands <https://www.thalmic.com/en/myo/> for use during
the hackathon.

We should be announcing more sponsors and more devices nearer the event,
but you're welcome to bring & build your own devices too.
If this sounds at all interesting you can find more information and sign up
on eventbrite



Dave Snowdon
twitter: @davesnowdon
web: http://www.davesnowdon.com &  http://about.me/dave.snowdon/
[image: nao-developer] Member of the NAO Developer Program
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