Hi Nick,

On Jun 24, 2015, at 6:50 AM, Nicholas H.Tollervey <nt...@ntoll.org> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Many thanks..! I'm feeling rather chuffed and a little embarrassed.
Chuffed I can understand, but the embarrassment is completely inappropriate. 
Oh, wait, you're English. I've clearly spent too long in America.

> I'm going to make a cup of tea in celebration.
And perhaps something stronger in due course, I hope.

> Will raise a toast and dunk a biscuit to everyone who has and continues
> to help with Python in education in the UK.
Toast AND biscuits?

> You all deserve an award!
While that is true, I think the general feeling will be that your work with the 
BBC to ensure that Python is a programming choice for their new educational 
device plus your leadership role in the PyCon UK team plus makes you stand out 
from the crowd. The PSF initiated the Community Service Awards (not an easy 
development at the time, by the way) precisely to give public recognition to 
outstanding efforts on Python's behalf, so despite your embarrassment you truly 
are a worthy recipient.

Steve Holden st...@holdenweb.com / +1 571 484 6266 / +44 208 289 6308 / 

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