On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Thomas Kluyver <tho...@kluyver.me.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 7, 2016, at 01:20 PM, Andy Robinson wrote:
> > To enforce good conduct in a suitably Pythonic manner, I  hereby
> > propose the foundation of the Yorkshire Inquisition, headed by Steve.
> I don't think anybody expected that!
> Me least of all. Had I been consulted I would have said that I am not a
suitable person to be enforcing CoCs and (in case you didn't get the
message earlier) I agree with Andy that the Python CoC will suffice. But I
know full well from my experience that to go too far down this road
inevitably invites a schism between the "freewheelers" (my category for
those whose happy life circumstances allow them to regard being offended as
part and parcel of a fully-lived life) and the "enforcers" (those who would
like specific punishments for specific offences. And I want no part of a
battle between these two poles. I don't really enjoy being a member of
polarised groups much at all.

So, seriously, honoured and all that but you will have to look for an
Enforcer elsewhere. I'm nobody's good example.

> Such an institution will have truly terrifying powers of enforcement.
> > Suggestions welcome on this thread
> Give the inquisition the power to restrict someone's use of language
> features. For instance, in a relatively mild incident, the heretic may
> be banned from using for loops for a month, and have to emulate them
> using while instead.

You are optimistic about the powers of enforcement. I believe the CoC does
allow list managers to ban people after suitable warnings. But I'm not a
list manager and have no pretensions to being one.

definitely-not-your-enforcer-ly yr's -  Steve

Steve Holden
python-uk mailing list

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