Lots of good thoughts so far, thanks to everyone.

Anand, I deeply appreciate your contributions, but what exactly did you mean by: "set up Linux containers but make things available on Windows" ?

On 01/31/2017 10:26 AM, Anand Kumria wrote:
I'd probably start with utilising setting up Linux VMs / containers but
make things available on Windows.

Keep in mind that .Net (and thus C#, F#) also run on Linux as well, and
those VMs / containers tend to be cheaper overall.


On 31/01/17 15:02, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
Hey all,

I'm joining a small company with an existing service-based
infrastructure written in C# & F#, on Windows Server on AWS.

They want me to write some new services in Python. I'm wondering
whether to host these Python services on Linux or on Windows.

In favour of Linux:

L1. I'm by far more familiar with Linux.

L2. Linux is Python's natural home. I expect the ecosystem to work at
its best there.

In favour of Windows:

W1. I don't want to put up a barrier to the existing C# devs from
working on the Python services because they don't have a Linux
install. (although I guess this is circumvented by them using a VM)

W2. I don't want to cause a devops headache by introducing
heterogeneous OS choices.

W3. As a specific example of W2, some places I've worked at have had
local dev environments spin up all our services in VMs or containers
on the local host, so we can system test across all services. I fear
heterogeneous server OSes will make significantly harder to do. They
also want me to lead the charge on this sort of test setup, so this is
going to be my problem.

Thoughts welcome.


Jonathan Hartley    tart...@tartley.com    http://tartley.com
Made out of meat.   +1 507-513-1101        twitter/skype: tartley

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