
All of the above are good

=indeed - am still digesting...

You could also use the following to check for known vulnerabilities

Thank you for this - I had forgotten about BlackDuck (have apparently fallen off their mailing list).

Will have to spend some time settling on some 'acceptable' metrics: just for fun and because it was the latest import I've typed* I tried PyYAML. It is reported as "Very Low Activity" and "6 months since last commit". Perhaps these are basically the same thing? Yet it is a widely used facility, and one (amongst many on PyPI) I wouldn't even question using...

However, putting such into a check-list would inform discussion at a code/system review, and enable anyone to interpret and perhaps express concern, the code-author to defend (with facts cf opinion or emotion), the team to consciously evaluate, etc. Excellent!

* code review showed that 'new guy' habitually litters his code with 'constants' and parameters, and for whom I've been developing a quick alternative 'suggestion' in preparation for our next discussion!

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