Good evening all,

The London Python Code Dojo is back
*this Thursday, the 6th of December at 6:30pm.*
Growth Street are hosting us again at their offices: Growth Street
Exchange, Irongate House, 22-30 Dukes Place, EC3A 7LP

We will have our usual mixture of socialising, and hacking on silly

> problems. For those who wish, there will be post-Dojo socialising in a

> nearby pub. And of course the O'Reilly book give away.

What is a dojo?

A coding dojo is a safe place (we use the PyCon UK code of conduct) to

> deliberately practise and develop your coding skills, and perhaps learn

> something new too. We don't really (read: never) stick to a strict dojo

> format but rather brainstorm ideas for problems to solve, choosing one

> by popular, if complicated, vote, and then break into teams courtesy of

> the London Python Dojo Fully Patented Numbering Scheme for an hour and
a half of furious coding (at least, furious something). To wrap the

> evening up each team does a “show and tell”, and end with drinks in the

All programming abilities welcome, we have diverse attendees ranging

> from beginners to core Python contributors!

All the best,

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