Hello everyone,

my name is Daniele, Italian developer living in London, and I have
been the main psycopg2 maintainer for the past 10 years.

I have recently started working on its successor: psycopg3. The
project is based on the experience I have gathered in these years
about the technical matters of the Python/Postgres interoperation, as
well as about the use cases and pain points of the people using the
library. Psycopg tries to address the problems that are not easy to
solve in a codebase which has its root before 2000, and embraces the
state of the art of a Python library in 2020, from static typing to
asyncio support.

I started dabbling with the idea back in March
(https://www.varrazzo.com/blog/2020/03/06/thinking-psycopg3/), when I
stopped working for the company I had been working for the previous 12
years, and I thought that the moment was mature to put my experience
into a new library. I worked on the project only part-time for a few
months, and recently I've decided to work on it full time.

I am looking for sponsors to help me to make the project sustainable
and allow me to finish its development in a short time. If you work
for a company using Python and PostgreSQL and would like to
contribute, and make use of, the most advanced Postgres driver for
Python, please consider to give your support.

More information about the project is available at
<https://www.psycopg.org/psycopg3/>. For any information please don't
hesitate to get in touch.

Wishing you a good day

-- Daniele
python-uk mailing list

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